Reference :- Mr Peter Dutton is all clapped up with coronavirus . Life can be cruel .
When I told the team at the Sky Reply that anybody who has been in contact with Peter Dutton is at risk of becoming ill they replied " Everybody knows that " . When I asked them how they knew he had contracted coronavirus they replied " Oh , does he have coronavirus ? That's a shame ."
Anyway , Ken junior reckons they should keep him locked up and isolated for a few years while they work out what to do. Various methods can be used to keep him completely uninformed about how long he will remain in isolation . Since the government has no idea how to handle the situation a private security firm will need to be employed to see that he stays put and is well looked after and not subject to dehumanising conditions . That may cost the taxpayer a few hundred million , but this is an emergency ,so there is no time to check the bonafides of any company tendering for the contract .
However, regardless of the cost , it will be money well spent if it keeps us all safe .
Your comrade , Ken
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