Monday, March 9, 2020

Reference :- Man of action and quick decision maker Mr Scott Morrison revealed his plans for a fiscal stimulus as the coronavirus pandemic looms .

Reference :-   Our highly articulate prime minister , Mr Scott Morrison , explained the details of his fiscal stimulus to an attentive audience of business leaders . More or less .

Mr Morrison , sir ,  I thought you would have learned your lesson with the poorly received political advertisement that you tried to palm off as a bushfire strategy .   ( Speaking of which , has anybody found some of that 2 billion quid of bushfire grant money that was last seen vanishing in a puff of smoke ? )

Anyway , it was a bad idea to run another  political advertisement in lieu of a fiscal stimulus package . People are on to you now .  Saying that it was up to poor young Josh Frydenberg to explain when he returned from a more pressing engagement might have bought you a few more days.  But everybody can see you are just stalling while you try to think of something . 

 It's a real conundrum when the only way to stop the economy going down the gurgler is to put money into the pockets of ordinary folk .  They do vote for you , and pay your wages , and that does leave you obliged to fake being their uncle Scomo .   But it is ideologically unsound to slip the great unwashed a few bob when the system fails them . After all , when market capitalism fails the poor , it is clearly the fault of the poor  .  They are greedy and lazy , with their sense of entitlement ,  and you can't blame  the market .   

 I  guess you and Josh have a few sleepless nights ahead ,  and I don't wish to make them worse , but you need to be aware of a blunder you made in your last speech .    It has slipped past the media , thank heaven's , but you might not get away with it again .

It wasn't your  usual lie about the Tories managing the budget well .  That lie is so obvious ( federal government debt has doubled since the days of the Labor Party )  that everybody just yawns and forgets about it .    No,  your big slip came  when you said , out loud , just like that ,    " Australia 's government debt to GDP ratio  is one of the lowest in the world . "      What on earth were you thinking ?   You Tories have been telling us for years that there is no money for anything because we have to reduce the terrible debt inherited from Labor  .  That's why 1500 people have died waiting for money from the NDIS , for example .  ( There are many many more examples . )
 Telling people we don't actually have a big government  debt makes it look like you are letting people die for ideological reasons alone .   Which you are , but why highlight the fact ?  

One last thing .  If it turns out that later in the week you do have to slip a few quid  in the direction of the great unwashed  , take a couple of inderal tablets first so you don't have a heart attack when you make the announcement . You have been looking a bit pasty of late .    

 Your  comrade , Ken

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