Friday, March 13, 2020

Reference :- Illustrious Prime minister and health fanatic Mr Scott Morrison refused to be tested for coronavirus .

Reference :-     Despite the fact that he has been  exposed to a cabinet minister who has come down with coronavirus , apparently there is no need to test Mr Morrison .

Mr Morrison , sir , perhaps you can explain the logic behind this ?     If you don't have the virus , everybody will be reassured and you can "carry on"  as usual .    If you do have the virus you will know what to do in order to limit the spread to others .  What is the problem ? 

 So far this year you have gained a reputation for selfish behaviour , and if it turns out that you have been running around like a blowfly at a picnic infecting all and sundry with viral pestilence  it will do you no favours .

 As a believer in miracles , I should think you would feel quite immune from pestilence . But if you do turn out to be a victim of contagion , you could shack up in an isolation ward with Mr Dutton and keep him company .  Look at the bright side , it would give you plenty of time to collaborate on your cruel neo -liberal agenda . And a chance to further suss out the character of the man who secretly lusts for your job .    

 Your comrade , Ken 


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