Saturday, February 1, 2020

Reference :- Why is Bridget McKenzie still in office ?

Reference :-    Why isn't Senator McKenzie's career shot ?   What do you have to do to get fired with this government ?  
Well Mr Morrison, sir , it has worked a few times with Angus Taylor , so it is certainly worth trying again .   Just wait , do nothing , and see if it the scandal blows over so you can flick it in the pile with all those other scandals people have already stopped yapping about .  When in doubt , do nothing , as they say , which appears to be your family motto. 

These are tough times indeed , and my son's mate  Monte has had a go at writing a witty limerick to cheer you up.  He is no great poet , and did complain that none of the politicians these days have names that are easy to rhyme with .   I explained that it is probably a deliberate decision when selecting candidates .  One would hardly choose a candidate with a name that rhymed with a derogatory term  like  thief , liar , grifter ,  or whatever .  That would be a gift to a one of those violent placard wielding activists.    So well done , I say .

Nevertheless  , Monte produced a reasonable effort , though hardly of prize winning calibre .  I told him to not bother trying to find a suitable competition to enter , since funding for the arts copped a 100 million quid cutback in one year alone while the LNP went about it's task of saving the economy
from recession .   That's what I like about the LNP , when they spend 100 million to buy votes the cost is fully funded by cutbacks elsewhere in the budget . That is the definition of responsible government , isn't it  Mr Morrison ?

 Anyway , here is Monte's poem ,  raw and unabridged .

                         Deplorable in Your Face Arrogant Government Corruption
                                                                                                                      (by Monte the motorcyclist)
                                     A minister named McKenzie
                                     Went on a spending frenzy
                                     With a fistful of notes
                                     About where to buy votes
                                     And faith in political clemency .

    You have to laugh , or you'd cry .

     Happy Prime Ministering .       Your comrade , Ken 


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