Reference : - The Sky Reply offers a useful model for plotting the reaction of conservatives as they start to accept an unwelcome scientific consensus .
Fifty years ago psychiatrist Elisabeth Kubler-Ross described five stages of grief that terminally ill patients experience when they are given their diagnosis .
The team at the Sky Reply considers that conservatives ( there are many we could use as an example , but the lads all want to run with Andy Bolt ) are passing through the same stages of grief . Many are beginning to realise that we only have so long to act before the ecosystem that supports our species of anxiety prone apes dies . And by ''so long" , we mean "not long ".
Outlined below are the five stages . It might be helpful to mentally picture Andy Bolt as we highlight each of these stages .
1 DENIAL This would manifest in a manner similar to this . eg
- It is no hotter now than in the past . Here's a reference to a poem that proves it . And a measurement from the tin dash of a Model T Ford in 1909 that proves it was hotter then . The scientists are lying so they can get funding , or something . It can't be true .-
2. ANGER We see plenty of that , as below . eg
- These climate alarmists should be locked up , and denied social security . It is their stupid green policies that caused the fires anyway . ( Sometimes seen in conjunction with stage 1 , e.g They are blocking the streets , and fires were worse in the past anyway . ) -
3. BARGAINING . A word generally associated with money . eg
-Alright , it is getting hotter . But that is not all bad . We can grow avocados in Greenland .
Besides it will cost too much to transition to renewables .
And the poor in India deserve cheap coal . They will need it to power bore pumps when the Ganges runs dry . And what about the budget surplus? ( Often overlaps with stages 1 and 2 , e.g It makes me angry to think that one day I might have to deny myself a new jetski just because some stupid scientist says the climate is changing . ) -
4. DEPRESSION Often involves hitting the booze in an attempt to cope .
Evidenced by slurred speech and giggling at puerile jokes during interviews with supposed experts who can boast the scientific qualifications of a caterpillar . ( Apologies if you are now picturing Andy's cruel snicker .... we are almost finished . )
5. ACCEPTANCE Yet to be seen .
Requires a degree of mental flexibilty that some people don't possess.
And probably a decline in the number of overpaid elitist fools urinating in the global hot tub .
This seems like a good time to relax with a cuppa , and listen to our new Val Doonican record.
One can only contemplate Sky News for short periods without being driven to look for a stout rope, a sturdy beam , and a suitably wobbly chair .
Your comrade , Ken
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