Reference : - The sudden termination of a national manufacturing icon has annoyed our Prime Minister . Is he worried about getting spare parts for his government limousines ? No he is not .
Those big company executives treated you very badly Mr Morrison . At least they could have chatted with you about it for a week or two, even if they already had their minds made up. Now you look like a lightweight bereft of international respect . And the buggers soaked up billions in subsidies and other support over the years . That money could have gone somewhere in need , like the fossil fuel industry .
Sky News presenter ( and great fan of yours ) Paul Murray almost cried on set when he described the demise of Holden . It made me wonder if you will have trouble getting parts for your limousines . But then , I looked it up and discovered that since the Tories snatched the reins of power you have been using cars made by BMW , and not Holden, as in the past .
It was pointed out by Mr Abbott's team that after careful analysis they found it was cheaper for the taxpayer if they bought BMWs instead of Holdens . I wish my mate Trevor knew that , or he would have bought a BMW to use on the farm instead of the Holden . Every penny counts when you are running on a tight budget .
Without appearing to be critical , however , do you think it sends a poor message when the Prime Minister doesn't want to drive a car made in his own country ? Or when town councils buy thousands of Audis and Volkswagons for the staff to thrash about , and shun the local product ?
It wouldn't help sales either .
Well who knows ? We need to ask those " quiet Australians " you are always on about . But we don't have many of those here in Kooralya . My son , Ken junior , ran one of his regular polls , and asked people to say whether or not they identified as a " quiet Australian " . Nobody said they did , except for old Stanley who ticked "yes " while attempting to laugh . Stanley has been deaf and mute ever since the stroke he had a few years back . He still has a sense of humour though .
It might sound a bit soppy , but I really miss the days when the likes of Bob Hawke and Paul Keating were chauffeured around in Australian made cars . Paul was quite a car enthusiast , and liked tearing about in British sports cars as a lad . But he remained faithful to the local product when selecting cars for official use . I guess that's what you see when a prime minister is a true patriot , and not just somebody pretending to be like a nice average bloke in order to score votes .
Happy motoring . Your comrade , Ken
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