Reference :- Our government is adamant that Australia's emission targets have been set , and are not negotiable . Instead, Mr Morrison wants investment in new technology to help us adapt to climate change. .
Well Mr Morrison , sir , that should let you get away with doing nothing . You have already spent over 5 billion quid on various grants , projects and subsidies that are hidden from public scrutiny . That figure is similar to the amount you have pulled out of research funding for Universities . To me that indicates a responsible attitude to budgeting . Like when you tell kids on the NDIS that they cant get their wheelchairs quite yet , since the budget surplus is threatened and there are still lots of golf clubs in Tory electorates that need the restaurants revamped .
Do you remember Mr Turnbull ? He is the gentleman who patted you on the back and thanked you for your loyal support a few days before you took his job from him . Well he shoveled 500 million in the direction of a few mates , sans tender, to save the barrier reef . We haven't heard much about the reef since then , or the 500 million . Perhaps it is because the reef has been saved and no longer features in the news since it is now pristine .
Anyway , if Mr Turnbull can pull a swifty like that to save his breeches in the polls , so can you .
Thankfully , as the New York Times recently informed us , Australia is now probably the most secretive democracy in the world . That means you can pour a couple of billion into any pockets you choose , and simple say " We have invested in developing new technology to address climate change . " There will be no need for further elaboration . Perhaps you can find a few of those captains of industry who have saved the barrier reef , and slip them the cash in return for a few generous donations ahead of the next election . Mr Turnbull probably still has their mobile numbers , and they probably aren't all in the Cayman Islands just yet .
Don't forget to remind everybody that there will be plenty of jobs in the new technology , and that no jobs in the old technology will be lost . It's the best of both worlds .
Your comrade , Ken
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