Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Reference :- Andy Bolt and soul mate Rowan Dean laughed hysterically at indigenous playwrights .

Reference :-  One of the contributing editors at The Sky Reply extends an invitation to Andy Bolt .

Andy , it's nice to see you and Rowan Dean having a good laugh together ,  Good on you for being brave in your declining years .  And good on Rowan for being your guest again ,  now that you can't coax anybody with more than half a brain into your studio  .  Especially when your report is another rant that recklessly slaps the pinata of racial vilification .

Here at The Sky Reply we cherish freedom of  speech , which means we would always defend your right to be a giggling semi coherent hate monger .   And you are good at it , as the comments by your viewers attest .   Please allow me  a small observation , however .    Were you gentleman half plastered ?   The slurring of words and general hilarity at the expense of others gave the impression that you had hit the bottle prior to the camera rolling .   A bit of dutch courage  does help when your career is waning , but  please remain sober enough to articulate adequately .  It detracts from your brand of sneering superiority and , quite frankly , makes you look like a dickhead .

 Anyway , let's put this sad episode behind us .    One of the editors here at The Sky Reply is indigenous . His name is Gabbo , and we often seek his advice . ( He is a smart lad for his age . )
 Each year , out here at Kooralya ,we have a bit of a sports day . People come from miles around , and camp by the creek .  We don' t have much in the way of state of the art sporting facilities , like some places .  We can only dream of building 700 million dollar football stadiums and pulling them down a few years later because one of the toilets is blocked .
 But we have a lot of fun , and run competitions that don't require many amenities .  Everybody out here is kept pretty busy , and we don't have the time to apply for corrupt infrastructure projects . 

 To show there are no hard feelings , Gabbo ( the aborigine ) has asked you to partner him in the annual Nude Piggy Back Race , which is the premiere event of the weekend .  It's like our Melbourne Cup, except nobody has ever broken a leg and been shot , and people don't get quite as rat arsed .    I reckon it's a great offer . Gabbo is light , so carrying him will be easy , and the video is bound to go viral .  It will clear you immediately of any accusations of racial vilification . And don't worry , you wont be entirely naked .   Gabbo has made you a hat with the aboriginal flag on it ,  and is also prepared to pony up for the entry fee , in  return for a 50% stake in the film rights .

 Since the ute is bogged in the backyard , Ken junior's mate Monte has offered to pick you up from the bus depot and bring you to our place on his motorbike , so pack light .  And tell Monte to take the shortest route , or he is likely to run you past the old stockyards and do wheelies to show off.

Looking forward to seeing you Andy .  We are all brothers at heart , and an event like this really suits your sense of humour .  It's all a giggle .   

 Your comrade , Ken  

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