Friday, February 14, 2020

Reference:- Our incomparable Prime Minister and trainee empathiser has misled the public yet again .

Reference : -  Considering all the economics degrees gracing parliament these days, there seem to be a lot of mistakes with numbers .

Well golly , Mr Morrison , sir .    Don't you just hate  the way the press is now harping on about how you misled everybody when you said 100 % of that 100 million in sports grant money went to eligible clubs ?   It looks awful when they point out  that 43% of the clubs that received grants were in fact ineligible , but clearly that means 57% were eligible .   That's well over pass mark in most exams , as far as I am aware .    Well economics ones at least .  I mean , if a surgeon had 43% of his patients die on the table , or an engineer had 43% of his dams collapse that would be utterly unacceptable .

But economics is a different bucket of prawns .   Now that the fundamentals of neoliberalism have become entrenched ,  the western economies operate via a model they call the economic cycle .   This means the economy grows for a few years and then goes into recession for a few in an endless series of unmanageable cycles . These cycles  cause chaos and despair for many, and waste diminishing resources and expensive infrastructure .
 It sounds like a pretty crap system to me .  Even an economist with the credentials and ego that Alan Greenspan boasts has admitted that he made the wrong decisions about a third of the time .   ( Later he admitted that the entire economic model he relied on was wrong ,  though criticising free market capitalism is so unthinkable that it might mean he is losing his marbles.  )

In the light of that , only being 57% accurate when discussing a sports grant rort is simply the industry standard for someone with your qualifications .    If I were you Mr Morrison , I would point this out now , so that when all your other predictions about the economy are not fully realized , people are already clued up and expect no better .

My son , Ken junior ,  has noticed that there is a lot of talk about whether your promised budget surplus will still appear .   Not that we wanted or needed one anyway , but you did  , and a  promise is a promise  after all.      Doubtless there will be lots of talk about fires , floods, droughts, corona virus, plummeting tourist numbers and so forth .  Ken junior reckons you might try to blame Labor and the Greens , which is like the driver blaming the back seat passengers for steering the car off a cliff.      But he has another idea .  He reckons , behave  like Donald Trump ,  and simply lie .  Say that you have kept your commitment to the Australian people and achieved a budget surplus of whatever made up figure you think sounds plausible .   You might be able to juggle the statistics  around to give the figure a facade of legitimacy , but why bother ?

 Ken junior often tells the transient European backpackers who work as barmaids at the Kooralya pub that we own all the land between here and Brisbane , and all the farmers are our tenants .
 How are they to know the truth ?    I don't mind backing up his claim on occasion .
And if it smooths the path to romance , what harm has been done ?

One last thing.   Don't quit your empathy training classes just yet.  You have a way to go before passing the 50% mark in that particular subject . 

 Your comrade ,  Ken




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