Reference :- Ten of thousands of people attending rallies throughout the nation are calling for our respected Prime Minister and renowned advertising genius Mr Scott Morrison to resign .
Gee Mr Morrison , sir , What does it take to please some people ? People voted to have an advertising expert as Prime Minister , and now they are critical when you run a little advertisement promoting yourself during a national crisis . What did they expect ? It was quite stirring music in the advert , I thought , and nicely chosen footage of you looking like you are capable .. of something . And of course , you highlighted plenty of expenditure figures that look like huge sums to the poor average punter who hasn't had a wage rise since their television set went digital.
Well the advert may have backfired badly , along with all your public appearances , but hey , you can always pretend to throw bucket loads of money about , and stall by saying your are considering a Royal Commission and can't suggest any actual policies until that has been run . The media has been doing a pretty good job blaming greenies for turning the country into a tinderbox , and arsonists for starting the fires , despite the fire chiefs saying this is not true . That gives you a bit of breathing space for now , but the fire season has a long time to run , and you need something to shore up your position . You can buy some more time by blaming the states for everything , but that won't be enough .
Meanwhile , I suggest you discharge your current public relations spivs . Here at The Sky Reply we have our team of experts working on a campaign to restore your credibility, if that is still possible .
In view of the billions of quid the government will have to suck from it's budget surplus , we are prepared to offer our services gratis . However , if you felt comfortable having a word with the police commissioner about my son Ken junior's recent fine for unlicensed driving , I would be forever grateful, and of course , totally discreet .
Your comrade , Ken .
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