Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Reference :- Has anybody noticed this ?

Reference :-     The bushfires are a national disaster , and for weeks now the television has been showing us interviews with professional firefighters , volunteers and folk dealing with the crises as they arise .   Have others noticed what I have , about these interviews ?

We are so accustomed to the slick marketing lines that pour from the mouths of our political leaders , that listening to the fire chiefs reminds us that, thankfully , not everybody in authority is an
incompetent self serving sociopath .   Mr Morrison is incapable of concealing his indifferent smirk, and many of the others , though smirk free , can't hide their annoyance .   You can tell they are thinking  "  Why did this have to happen on my watch ? "   But the fire chiefs , and emergency personnel ,  despite missing out on the government's  190,000 quid  " how to connect with ordinary people " training sessions ,  reveal themselves  as intelligent , competent and empathic  .

Unlike our politicians , they don't speak in cliches , they are not self serving , and they know what they are talking about .  And unlike many of our highest paid news presenters, they are not smug , egotistical and self opinionated .
That is quite a relief , though one can't help but wonder why the people charged with the responsibility of running the country , and informing us of current affairs, are generally of such low calibre .
I guess that ultimately it is our own fault , because we vote for them , or tune into them . 

 If we didn't  they would all be out of a job . 

   Your comrade ,  Ken    

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