Reference :- Multi award winning veteran journalist Kerry O'brien gave a speech at the annual Journalist's Union 's Walkley Award night . An unimpressed Chris Kenny thought it was a pathetic effort. .
Exactly Chris . That Kerry O'Brien chap had a cheek , talking about the gradual erosion of freedom of the press here in Australia . We are already down to number 21 in the world for press freedom, and falling fast , so what is gradual about that ? And with Mr Morrison at the helm it will slip downwards faster than a funicular with a broken cable . It certainly is annoying the way these elite leftie journalists have their annual Walkley Award night to pat each other on the back .
But why not run an award night yourself Chris ? You can run it for the hacks at Sky News , and whatever hacks you can encourage from the great cesspool of commercial television . You could call it the Wankley Award night , so nobody has any doubt about who you are sending up. Without being premature , I reckon you are just the man to pull it off , Chris .
I did notice that you made one of your very rare small errors in today's telecast . Unfortunately it wasn't just the leftie newspapers that protested about loss of press freedom by self censoring their front pages . The conservative press protested at least as strongly , which has me confused . Even up here in the deep north , the Courier Mail joined with all the other activist editors .
As you are doubtless aware , the Courier is not known for being very progressive . My son , Ken junior , says it's so full of propaganda he calls it the "Goebbels Gazette". He and his mate's, Monte and Gabbo rush to the school library each morning to see what puerile pun has been used for the banner headline . Then they have a few laughs as they outdo each other inventing puns that address the news item more subversively .
However , on the day that the Courier had self censored their front page, their game was ruined . Gabbo tells me that initially he thought one of the teachers had read the Courier first and crossed out all the factual and grammatical errors . And after seeing all those police raids on journalists , Ken junior thought it was genuine censorship , at first . So he started the morning headline competition by blurting out "Goebbel's Gazette Cops Government Glossover " .
Anyway , happy freedom of the press Chris , use it ethically .
Your comrade , Ken
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