Sunday, December 1, 2019

Reference :- Paul Murray believes Jeremy Corbyn's remarks in the wake of the London terrorist shooting were "the worst we have seen " .

Reference : -  Paul Murray shocked by the worst remark he has heard  ?  That's a big claim  for somebody who daily stalks the corridors of Sky News .   Just how bad was it ?

 Well Paul , there were essentially two remarks made by Mr Corbyn  to which  you could have been referring.     This one , " the police had no choice but to shoot him dead "  can't be it . I am not saying you are a violent man , Paul , but nonetheless I can't imagine you would object to a rampaging armed terrorist being shot dead . So you and Mr Corbyn are in complete agreement there.   That leaves his other comment  . When asked if somebody convicted of a terrorist offense should serve their full prison sentence , he replied  " I think it depends on the circumstances ."    I reckon that is the remark that opened all the taps on your bile duct .   

 But calm down , Paul .    In the UK you can be imprisoned for a terrorist offense without ever having hurt anybody , or damaged property , or even threatened to do so .  The laws are quite broad , and a mischievous teenager googling how to blow up the neighbor's dunny could find himself locked up.    I guess this is why Mr Corbyn very sensibly  said " I think it depends on the circumstances ". 

 Paul , you moaned on about bleeding heart lefties forcing the repeal of the " Imprisonment for Public Protection " Laws.   Wrong again , you silly bugger .  Did your research team inform you that it was Labour  who initially proposed and enacted those IPP laws ?     They remained in place for the entire time that Labour was in power .  Then , when Labour Prime Minister Mr Gordon Brown was replaced by the Tory leader , Mr David Cameron , the laws were repealed .   And since you appear unaware that it was under a conservative government that the laws were abolished , I guess you can't be expected to know why they did it .   Well, Paul , they did it because of the grim austerity budgets that the Tories had passed following  the Global Financial Crisis .   ( Or as I prefer to call the GFC ,  the Greedy Financier's Conjob ) . This meant that authorities , lacking a decent budget allocation , couldn't run the prisons .  The Prisons Minister , Mr Rory Stewart threatened to resign over funding cuts .   Staffing shortages,caused by budget cuts, had undermined his ability to administer the prisons  .  Here is the simple time line . 

 2003-7     Labour brings in the laws to lock up terrorists indefinitely , under Mr Tony Blair
 2007-10   Labour continues to enforce them under Mr Gordon Brown.
 2010 -12   The Tories under David Cameron  start austerity budgets, following the GFC
 2012          Due to lack of funding for prisons , the IPP laws are abolished under  the Tory government .
 Doubtless we will see your apology to Mr Corbyn  on Sky News before long .

  Anyway , here's a funny  thing Paul.   My son , Ken junior , and his mates are amazed by the way you always  blame the left wing of politics for absolutely anything that goes wrong .    He , and his mates Monte and Gabo , had stayed up all night watching the full boxed set of  " Get Smart " video cassettes , instead of doing their homework.   When their teacher demanded to know what happened to their homework ,  Gabo explained that their books had been  destroyed by a violent gang of fifty socialist greenies , waving climate alarmist placards , as they returned from their meeting with " The Destroy Australia Party ".     The teacher merely sighed , so Monte said .  " Would you believe twenty annoyed vegans handing out animal rights pamphlets  ? ".  Ken  junior followed with  "  How about a homeless bloke with bloodshot eyes wearing a "Legalise Marijuana " T shirt ?  

  You have to laugh , hey Paul. 

 Your comrade , Ken


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