Saturday, November 30, 2019

Reference :- Andy ( pragmatic multiculturalist ) Bolt sent an unveiled threat to the ABC's Paul Barry .

Reference :-    Andy Bolt threatened ABC reporter Paul Barry with legal action .  Mr Barry  described Andy as a hate monger,  which Andy considers a scandalous accusation .

 Top of the morn to you Andy .  Do you ever read the comments by your vile cult of followers ?  Well , obviously not , or you would be aware of the fact that you regularly pile fuel on the fires of just about every brand of blind prejudice invented .   Racism , sexism , scapegoatism ,  climate skepticism , anti intellectualism , cynicism and many more such "isms " abound in the innumerable semi-literate comments that sprout like toxic weeds in the comments beneath your scowling dial .

You are way overdue for a fuel load reduction , Andy .  I would be disappointed if you couldn't recall  our recent invention of the word " andibolt "   , a noun for a person who is a hypocrite about being hypocritical  (  the chaps at the oxford dictionary press will have received our letter by now ) .   Well, to simplify  all those nasty "isms " your viewers demonstrate , my son  Ken junior has come up with a gentle euphemism that gathers them nicely into a single word .  The lad is good at that kind of thing .  He has suggested the word "andiboltism "   The beauty of it is that we still have time to get it added to next year's unabridged tome before the professors at Oxford start cranking the roneo machine .

With regards to your unveiled threat to sue Mr Barry , Ken junior reckons why not settle the matter with fisticuffs ?  He figures you are probably into pugilism too,  and it would be an interesting match . Paul Barry looks to have good reach , but you have a weight advantage .   Before you duke it out , both parties would have to agree to Queensbury  Rules .  Five rounds should be enough to decide a clear winner .  You have spent enough time in court already Andy , and this would be quick and easy . And it needn't be too rough , just a bit of footwork and a few gentle jabs here and there , and let the judges decide .  

 Also , it would be a good little earner for Sky News when they broadcast the fight .   If you do decide to run with it , do you think you could get Ken junior a job in promotions ?  He already has an advertising headline in mind   .    "  Watch Andrew Bolt and Paul Barry settle their differences in a 'Slugfest to the Death' , here on Sky News " .  

  You know , I reckon that might get a few views .  

 Your comrade , Ken.

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