Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Reference :- Paul Murray assured us that "most Australians" do not find the Sydney smoke horrifying .

Reference :-   Paul Murray once again spoke  for what he calls " most Australians " , and told us that we are sensible folk who are untroubled by the inconvenient Sydney smoke  haze , and do not believe in climate change .

Well Paul , I guess the first thing we need to address is your definition of  " most Australians " .   Every poll , including those done by the most ghastly of right wing " think tanks " , shows that by far the majority of Australians do believe in climate change .  This can be troublesome if you are trying to expand your fortune by flogging a few hundred million tons of coal.  Eventually the " jobs and growth"  fib doesn't cut it . 

So , since your ethical standards are unquestionable , I reckon you have accidentally misled us with an abbreviation .  Abbreviations can cause confusion , as I have explained to Andy Bolt in a previous post .  What you obviously  mean is " most Australians with the IQ of a sea cucumber".   Thankfully the polls reveal they are a minority , although scrolling down the hateful and ignorant  comments on Sky News , you could be excused for thinking otherwise . 

  Anyway Paul , when you get a few moments spare , please flick me a reference for your statistics concerning the attitudes of " most Australians " .   I mix in a wide circle and only know one person who expresses doubt about climate change .  He lives in a grand art deco villa on the proceeds of his portfolio of mining shares .   You should see the place . After restoring it , he had it listed with the national trust . Although that was unwise , since a few years later when the place became unlivable without air conditioning , it was hellishly difficult to install 17 air conditioners and comply with the regulations . 

  As he often points out , regulations  ruined this country , which is why he found it so hard to amass a fortune and retire at age 52 .  Our little farm in the bush  is quite humble by comparison , but home is where you hang your dust mask and UV shield , as they say .   We have a dry creek bed running through the place , beside which  a couple of ancient river gums are still bravely struggling on . On one tree we tied a rope with an old tractor tyre so we could swing over the muddy bank and splash into the cool water on hot days . That was back in 1956 .

My son Ken junior once asked me what the tyre was for , since he has never seen water in the creek himself .  When I told him about swimming and fishing in the creek when I was his age he didn't believe me . Our local pub is called  " The Rio Vista " , since a Spanish new chum renamed it back in the day . Ken junior has never thought to ask what that means , thankfully, because if I told him it meant  "The River View " he would laugh his head off .

 One more thing Paul , you did mention that most Australians don't even live in Sydney , so why would they be worried about a smoke haze there ?
Tut tut Paul,  try to keep your sociopath tendencies better hidden .  You are on good money running your little propaganda segment , so don't stuff it up.     

 Your comrade , Ken

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