Reference :- Paul Murray does not support assisted dying legislation . Why is it that conservatives generally hold that position ?
Paul, it might be alright for you to oppose assisted dying legislation , you are digging your own grave with your teeth , and won't have to worry . My son , Ken junior, reckons you look like a sack full of coronary embolisms with a beard . But Paul , since like all of us , you will croak one day , wouldn't you like to have the option of peacefully slipping away , rather than painfully gasping for a few more days with a cordial bottle strapped to your leg, while visitors anxiously think up excuses to leave and try to ignore the stench ?
As a proto fascist , perhaps you can explain this to me Paul . Why is it that people of conservative persuasion , though more than willing to destroy the planet and it's biodiversity , though more than willing to accept the collateral damage of 5 million child deaths every year caused by galloping vampire capitalism , are nevertheless offended by the thought of a 95 year old asking to die peacefully . Is it something to do with money Paul , like apparently everything else in the world ? I am confused .
Your comrade , Ken
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