Reference :- Mr Albanese suggested that bringing forward the next Council of Australian Governments meeting ( The COAG scheduled for March ) to swiftly address the national disasters . Mr Morrison is not in the least interested .
That's the way , Mr Morrison , don't let the socialists push you into what you describe as a " knee jerk response " . Mind you , one could make the case that your obstinate resistance to making a single solitary decision about anything at present , is itself a " knee jerk" response . Though perhaps the word " knee" is , in this instance , superfluous .
You unconvincingly stated that you might consider compensation for the unpaid volunteers who have put a superhuman effort into saving lives and property . But in three months time . That might appear , by some, to be excessively delayed . What do the volunteers do until then , Mr Morrison , sir ? And since you doubtless have no intention of reaching into the public purse to help them , even then , why tease the poor folk by offering false hope ?
Have you looked at the news on the television sets lately ? Even the nastiest of the right wing propaganda outlets can barely utter your name without shuddering in disgust . Perhaps my previous suggestion that you pull the pin in January was off the mark, and you should depart sooner .
My son , Ken junior , has a nice little earner going supplying fake IDs to teenagers . He says he can forge a passport for you , so you can bugger off to another country for a decade or two, and return when the dust has settled . Apparently Yemen is nice at this time of year . Their passports are easy to fake , and with the food shortages , it's a good place to shake off a bit of excess lard . Normally he charges twenty quid , but in this instance he is prepared to offer you a freebie , as a service to the community .
Your comrade , Ken
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