Monday, December 23, 2019

Reference :- Liberal senator Jim Molan is unimpressed by climate activists .

Reference :-     Liberal senator  Jim Molan claims that climate activists are good at " shouting in your face  , but are devoid of sensible answers "  .

Merry Christmas Senator Molan .   You certainly had a good run there , landing your current job .  First Fiona Nash was declared ineligible because she discovered she has close ancestors in Old Blighty.  Then Arthur Sinodinos  jumped ship .  All very fortuitous , as was the strong support  from Mr Morrison   (  his earliest muscle flexing ) and Mr Howard  ( to assert his relevance ).  It certainly saved all that bother about democratic voting .  Then again  , who can say ?   The plebs may have voted for you  anyway .

 So here is a quick heads up regarding those " sensible answers " you have found lacking . The problem  might be your definition of the word " sensible " ,  since there are numerous answers offered by climate activists . They all involve change , which is often difficult  and costly .  Of course , that doesn't mean they aren't sensible .   Having a tumor removed from your rectum may be difficult , painful , and costly . But that doesn't mean it isn't sensible . Especially if you want to go on living a bit longer .

You have spent a lot of time in the middle east , in the cradle of civilization , and you would have seen how vast areas of the once fertile crescent have been transformed into barren desert by mankind's abuse of the environment .   Frescoes on ancient ruins in the Levant show people hunting gazelle in lush forests that have since become barren lands where   , to quote from Ozymandias ,  " the lone and level sands stretch far away " .

My son , Ken junior , is a keen activist , and has prepared an abbreviated list of actions that can diminish the effects of climate change for your consideration .   None of them are especially easy,  to which Ken junior says  " Yes , most of them aren't easy , but so what ? "  

 1   Transition from fossil fuels to  renewables as quickly as possible .

 2   Upgrade infrastructure to make it more energy efficient  .

 3.  Reduce commuting times , and reliance on cars for transport , with mass transit systems.

 4.  Consume less , and waste less .   (  Frivolous waste is a huge problem )

 5.  Eat locally produced food as much as possible , and reduce consumption of meat .

 6.  Produce as many vital goods and products as possible locally .

 7.  Make products that last,  and don't have built in obsolescence .

 8.  Stop advertising  from encouraging  people to replace items while they still function .

 9.   Stop clearing trees , and plant them by the billion . ( China just planted 66 billion of them  )

10.  Only have one child . ( Or none, if you aren't desperate to pass on your dodgy genes . )

 Ken junior thinks these  ten are enough for you to contemplate for now , what with it being Christmas and all .   If you want to know more , please feel free to ask.

           Seasons greetings .    Your comrade , Ken


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