Reference : - It looks like Sky anchor Peta Credlin is enjoying a Christmas break . We look forward to her return in the new year .
Ah well Peta . What a shame that your last effort for the year was just an interview with another Sky reporter . I guess with so much going on at present , it is probably difficult to find real people to interview . Nonetheless , try not to make a habit of navel gazing in the new year . There was far too much of that last year , and watching Sky News started to feel like wandering through a mirror maze at a circus .... endless reflections of the same opinions that became increasingly distorted and removed from reality .
Anyway , I don't wish to end the year on a low note , but there is one more comment I would like to make . Please take it as friendly advice . My son, Ken junior , drew my attention to this originally , but then it became quite a source of annoyance .
You often mention , several times in a story , that " the taxpayer is funding " something you don't like . Sometimes you might say " paid for with your tax money " or " that's where your taxes are going " . You know , that sort of thing . I know it's an easy way to stir anger , and as we well know , angry folk are inclined to make hasty and ill informed decisions. But the technique is starting to look too obvious . These days both Ken junior and myself find ourselves losing attention when you say " and this is what is happening to your tax money that .......blah blah blah ... "
Maybe a good New Year's resolution would be to pack it in with that approach . It sure would freshen the sound of your presentations . And while you are at it , maybe ditch those references to " socialists" that you spit out with contempt . Ken junior looked up a definition of socialism the other day , in the encyclopaedia . He says it is a democratic system based on cooperation rather than competition , with the mantra " from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs ". He can't quite see why that is an evil concept . It certainly sounds like a better basis for developing a healthy culture than galloping vampire capitalism .
Anyway , we look forward to your fresh start in the new year . We can always tune into Andrew Bolt if we feel the need to laugh at hate mongering cliches .
Seasons greetings . Your comrade , Ken
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