Saturday, November 16, 2019

Reference : - Peta Credlin discovers that " activists" are trying to change society . Who would have thought ?

Reference :-   Peta Credlin , a great supporter of the Hong Kong protests , rather unpatriotically , doesn't like our own home grown activists .  Apparently they have a hidden agendum .

Gosh Peta , why are you surprised that climate activists want to change the fundamentals of society ?
Isn't that pretty well the definition of activism ?   I mean , why else would they be demonstrating ?  Just so we can laugh at them on the television set or let shock jocks ridicule them on the wireless ?  

 My son , Ken junior , is a keen activist , and so committed that he spends all of his allowance on superglue and donations to Greenpeace .  That costs me , of course , when the little reprobate has no money for anything else , but I do like seeing him motivated by something . Recently , he introduced me to a web site where I could  check out how many planet earths it would take to support my own lifestyle if everybody in the world lived like me .   Jeez Peta , I am at best a humble chap . (No air conditioning , one old ute , grow a few veges , never travel in foreign climes ,  buy my clothes at St Vinnies , have a few orpingtons for eggs . )  But blow me down if it would take 5 planet earths for everybody to live like me !  

 Ken junior and I use our  entire per annum's worth of sustainable resources by March  each year.   I guess everything for the rest of the year represents environmental decline .   So Peta , these activists are actually genuinely wanting to change all of society, not simply shut down coal mines .   And it is not in the least subversive . They say it out loud and to your face .  What they want is an end to galloping  global vampire capitalism .  I hope that removes any confusion .  Politics is full of treachery and hidden agenda , lies and distractions .  But these activists are playing a straight bat .  Anyway , Peta , if you would like to look up your own ecological footprint on the biocapacity of the planet ,  the web site is called " Long Term Economy "  .  It sounds like something a banker would consult , but it is in fact a site dedicated to the natural" economy "of the world , not the destructive human economy currently stuffing the planet.   Ken junior reckons a celebrity like yourself might be up in the two digits ,  around 13 planet earths .    Let me know if he is wrong , I do enjoy the occasional opportunity to correct the little smart arse .

Your comrade , Ken

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