Reference : - Those who have a vested interest in discrediting Jeremy Corbyn ahead of the British election are accusing him of being anti-semitic . It's certainly an easy way to damage the man's reputation . But it happens to be untrue . Andy's research is lacking yet again .
Wrong again Andy . And this is a very serious thing to be wrong about . Indeed Jeremy does sympathise with the plight of the Palestinians , as do a great many thinking people including such luminaries as Noam Chomsky and Chris Hedges . But this doesn't mean that he is anti-semitic . There have been several attempts to paint him as anti-semitic over the years . All subsequently revealed to be baseless, and all politically motivated . One famously included the use of the "f " word by a female Corbyn hater , Margaret Hodge , in the House of Commons. Tut tut Margaret ! And these shabby misrepresentations keep resurfacing , since they are useful weapons for Corbyn's opponents .
So Andy , let's go straight to some horses' mouths to clarify the situation .
A Parliamentary Committee , with a strong bias against Corbyn reached the following conclusion .
" There is no convincing or reliable evidence to support a higher prevalence of anti-semitic attitudes within Labour than any other political party "
Human rights advocacy group " Liberty " concluded .
" Labour is not overun by anti-semitism , islamaphobia , or other forms of racism . "
And more revealing still, British Jewish historian Geoffrey Alderman , an orthodox Jew , who himself dislikes Corbyn's pro Palestinian outlook , has stated .
" Corbyn has an impressive , demonstrable record of supporting Jewish communal initiatives."
So you are completely wrong Andy . The far right , as it flounders in the cesspool of it's own creation is clutching at straws . Once the far right was the domain of the anti-semite , but now they accuse the left of the same racism in the hope of scoring political points . It is a tactic born of desperation .
Do you know the author Howard Jacobsen, who writes for the New York Times ? He completely fabricated a story claiming Holocaust denial was supported at the 2017 UK Labour conference . That was no little fib . It was one very big poisonous porkie .
You shouldn't be in the business of selling your audience pork pies Andy. My son , Ken junior , the rabid socialist , was quite alarmed when he heard your accusations . We can thank him for doing the research that set us straight . We like to fight fairly , and discuss real policies rather than use lies to fear monger , don't we Andy ?
Your comrade , Ken
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