Reference :- Defying well known climate expert and universally loved Prime Minister , Mr Scott Morrison , Mr Barnaby Joyce admits that climate change is real . However , he says , changes in the magnetic field of the Sun could account for global warming , rather than the burning of fossil fuels .
Well Barnaby , I couldn't find a credible scientist who thinks the Sun's magnetic field has a thing to do with climate change , though since you said so , they must exist . You should have referenced the many peer reviewed articles you have no doubt studied . And here's another thing . Microwaves are electromagnetic radiation . They heat up food in microwave ovens . Maybe the microwaves juicing up our mobile phones and communications are heating the planet ? Perhaps if everybody went off the air for a few days the planet would cool . It's worth a try at least , and if you stopped the bush fires you would be PM in a flash . Since I thought of it first , could you help me out with my son Ken junior ? He has been job hunting for some time now, with no luck . Perhaps you could get him a job working for you as a research assistant . You wouldn't believe how good he is at making things up. The other day I accused him of driving the ute without my permission since the petrol was all gone . He said it was evaporation because of the heat . I pointed out that the odometer had gone up by 500klms and he said I must have mistaken an" 8 " for a " 3 " due to the smoke from the fires . . The lad sure is quick with his footwork , and would be a great asset .
Your comrade , Ken
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