Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Reference : - Andy Bolt complained that authorities reporting on fires use hyperbole to try and alarm us .

Reference : -   Andy Bolt accused various authorities of deliberately trying to sway public opinion about climate change by using alarming language  to describe the few little grass fires we are experiencing this season .

 For heaven's sake Andy . Talk about the pot calling the kettle black !   There is a cheap shot you almost always use to verbally defile those whose views you don't share .  .  You call them " hypocrites '.   I consulted several  sources  looking for a word that means  "  A person who is hypocritical about being a hypocrite .  Though there is obviously a pressing need for such a moniker in our  lexicon ,  I couldn't find such a word .     My son,  Ken junior , is still rolling about on the sofa laughing like Cartman out of South Park , as he scrolls though the full list of your recent headlines .  It's hard for me to hear them as he calls them out , he is laughing so much .    Out of his babble the following words have thus far been discernible .     "   Australia's war with China has begun .... this may be the start of  a revolution ....toxic femininity does cause death and damage ....  train wreck interview.... insane haters .... the destroy Australia
movement ......Nazi blah blah... ABC agenda to undermine the cohesion of the nation ... and on and on .

Please excuse the poor sentence structure , Ken junior's hysterical laughter is very distracting .
Anyway Andy , personally , I myself would never use hyperbole in a million billion years ,  but how about this for an idea ?   Ken junior has come up with a new word for somebody who is a hypocrite about being hypocritical.      He favours the word  "  andibolt "   .  Nor bad , is it ?   It would be used in a sentence thusly  .  " That news anchor  is a complete and utter andibolt .  "  Has a good ring to it , don't you think ?    As a tribute , he is prepared to allow you the privilege  of being first on the blower to the professors in Oxford who roneo off the dictionary each annum.  .    In return , a brief footnote stating he thought of it first , is all he asks . 

 Your comrade , Ken

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