Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Reference :- Westpac has been accused of breaching anti -money laundering legislation . Our Prime Minister is appalled . Again .

Reference :-    Mr Scott Morrison has had a difficult time with the financial sector over the years . You would think that,  as a man with an economics degree ,he would feel quite comfortable dealing with the banks , but he claims to be "appalled ".   He has been appalled before , but for a very different reason .

 Mr Morrison sir , you are clearly quite shocked to hear  that Westpac has been accused of non compliance with anti-money laundering legislation.   And 23 million times too .  That is going to be hard to sweep under the silk rug .  And so hot on the heels of the multi billion dollar customer ripoff
revealed by the Banking Royal Commission .  I guess they sound like big numbers to humble folk like me , but these bankers talk in millions when they are merely adjusting their annual bonuses , so perhaps 23 million breaches doesn't sound like such a big deal to them . 

  Anyway , Mr Morrison , do you recall the last time you were appalled by a situation involving the banks?      It was when you were .... what did they say  ?  Oh yes ,  " dragged kicking and screaming  "  to approve the Banking Royal Commission .   Remember now ?    You were appalled then too, by " the populist whinge that threatens to undermine a key pillar of the Australian economy " .    You were appalled then , by the " recklessness that would undermine confidence in the banking and finance system ".
 You were appalled then by the request for a royal commission .  You called it " a stunt " and "hot air ".
 Hot air certainly seems to be accompanying your little stint as PM , in many ways .

 So after voting against the Banking Royal Commission 26 times , my son , Ken junior, wants to know if you feel a bit stupid .  I have told him you must feel a bit stupid for trusting the banks , since otherwise you would be complicit in concealing fraud .   As a sort of economist yourself , you might appreciate Ken junior's current financial setup.  .  He definitely doesn't trust the banks , and keeps his cash under his  mattress .
The proposed cash ban laws that you have waiting in the wings might not suit him , but I won't worry him about them until they happen .   The lad has quite a hoard too, since  he has a neat little money spinner going .  He grows some sort of herb under the tank stand and bakes the leaves into cookies to sell at the local pub.    They sell like mad . My mate Trevor and I tried a couple , and they tasted so terrible we had to laugh .  In fact we laughed all night , even the moon looked silly that night for some reason .    Anyway , with those 23 million breaches , it will take too long to individually address them , though the fines will be massive .  Why not  write off the fines , nationalize Westpac , and  offer the directors immunity to prosecution if they take a pay cut of a few million ?    That might make the other banks lift their game . 

  Your comrade , Ken .

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