Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Reference :- The honorable Mr Scott Morrison championed deregulation to save the economy .

Reference :-    It seems deregulation is what we need to save the economy which is apparently tangled in a web of bureaucratic tape  redder than a baboon's derriere  . ( If they aren't yet extinct . )

Mr Morrison , sir . As a university graduate you doubtless understand the importance of making policy decisions  based on empirical evidence .   Can you direct me to a source that supports the notion that deregulation does anything other than ruin economies while making the elite richer than Croesus ?     You know , think of the Global Financial Crisis that followed deregulation of the financial sector, for example .    If you like , I can direct you to a vast number of sources that reveal  deregulation as the cause of economic disasters .   

 How's it going with the banks today , by the way ?   It appears that they didn't comply with regulations . Tut tut , but probably just an oversight .   You seem a bit tetchy about the impact of environmental approvals on development , and mining in particular , if that counts as development .   Do we have such a great record with handling the environment that there is no need to bother about detailed impact studies before the bulldozers are  cranked up ?     The Great Barrier Reef , the Murray river system , the polluted sites we have to address when a mining company has done a runner ,  and the current state of our national parks and farmland  don't  inspire confidence .   And what was that about freeing up worker's  award compliance for companies ?    Haven't wages been stagnant for years , or is it just my wage  ?

Here's  a peculiar thing .  Our governments love inflicting new regulations on the average citizen . You can't eat here , you can't smoke there , you can't come in without scanning your ID , you have to wear a helmet or vest , you need police clearance , you can't drink spirits now , you cant play music at that nightclub ,  you can't say this or that ,  you can only have a plastic cup for your beer  and on and bloody on .  It has actually damaged  our tourism industry .  We are known overseas as " the land of bland . "  Greg Sheridan  , political editor of the Australian calls us  " the most restrictive , secretive , antidemocratic jurisdiction in the advanced world "    Yet big business and the financial sector get free rein .   My son , Ken junior ,   though precocious at times ,  has made this observation .  He says Australia's  governments , at all levels , are like the prefects at his rich mates's school .   They are a privileged group who are supposed to help the school run smoothly  .  But since they are scared witless of the school bullies , they never deal with them , and compensate for feeling worthless and gutless by handing detentions to the regular students for having one sock down , or a crooked tie .    He reckons they need to nut up and do their job properly .  

   Your comrade , Ken

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