Reference :- Sky News has not given much air time to the Alan Jones story .
Dear Alan ,
What a disgrace our media have become . Apart from your old employer , Sky News , the vultures in the mainstream media have been feasting on stories about your alleged misconduct . But as your compadre and soul mate , Peta Credlin , so brilliantly stated " in this country you are innocent until proven guilty " . Good on her for showing such strong support . She further stated that she had associated with you in " many contexts " . No doubt many others have, and I daresay the courts will be hearing from them too , so you have nothing to worry about .
It was with great disappointment that I watched young Andrew Bolt's guarded response to those vile allegations . But Andy has never been a team player like you . Remember how he dropped poor Chris Smith like a hot spud ...... and then watched gleefully as Chris was carted off to the loony bin after allegedly pulling his pecker out at that Sky News Christmas party ?
So while you may find the lack of support displayed by the Sky News crew disappointing , don't let it get to you . The Alan Jones we learned to love would tell them all to " get stuffed " , and that is what you should do now .
Should you find yourself incarcerated for an interminable time in some cold cell devoid of comfort or a TV set , be sure to take a few books with you . The wheels of justice turn slowly , as we know .
For a light witty read , I suggest " The Unexpurgated Code " by J P Donleavy . On page 43 the chapter headed " Upon the Sudden Reawakening of Your Sordid Background " will have you in stitches with laughter . And furthermore , contains useful tips regarding the denial of scandalous accusations .
We live in a shallow society where folk are all too ready to believe the worst of a chap , especially a colorful local identity like yourself . But stay chipper , as always you have plenty of dedicated supporters at your back .
Your comrade , Ken