Reference :- Former Australian P.M. , Mr Scott Morrison , gave his opinion regarding the outcome of the USA election .
Dear Mr Morrison ,
Well done Sir , I say , well done . Out of an eight minute interview you dedicated a generous two minutes to discussing the topic ( as a polite gesture ) , before launching into a six minute advertisement for your employer , American Global Strategies . Those Global Strategy guys can hardly expect to impress their shareholders unless we Aussies fear a major conflict with China , and your job relies upon such fear . You sure managed to ramp that up during your interview . And to those who object to your buddying up with warmongers , I simply say this . Christopher Pyne and Julie Bishop have done the same , and who is complaining about that ?
It is impressive , Mr Morrison , that you now count Mr Mike Pompeo and Mr Robert O'Brien among your friends . If anybody knows how to start a war those guys do . And nothing makes money like a war ..... or at least the fear of war , however unlikely .
Anyway Mr Morrison , keep up the good work . But I must warn you that there is talk at home of your name appearing in the re-opened inquiry into that Robot Debt fiasco . It seems unfair that you should be pursued until the end of time for a minor error that caused a few deaths . You must feel like Adolf Eichmann . Take my advice and be sure to skim as much moola out of arms sales as you can . The Aussie taxpayer will be shelling out billions for that dodgy AUKUS deal , so make sure your snout is deep in the trough . You might need the cash to pay for the necessary silks to get you off an eventual criminal charge related to Robot Debt . ( You know , perjury , that sort of thing. ) But please , don't let such ruminations cause you any sleepless nights .
Your comrade ,
When dutton gets elected ( now that sexism and racism are back in vogue)..... and scottie from marketing, is the us ambassador, this blog will be used at your show trial before they send you to a re-education camp.