Reference :- The Sky Reply has been told that some folk have difficulty deciphering the statements of the various mouthpieces on the news channels when they discuss the situation in Gaza.
With a view to reducing any confusion , Ken junior has combed through the speeches of Israeli Prime Minister , Mr Netanyahu , and compiled a simple glossary for the benefit of readers . Here it is .
This is the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee . Israel spends up to 100 million dollars yearly in the USA lobbying politicians and influencing election results for the benefit of both US and Israeli citizens . This is money well spent , since 5 billion dollars each year are donated to Israel by generous American taxpayers who don't mind sacrificing subsidized health care and education so that Israel can provide it's own citizens with these vital services free of charge . ( see also Democracy )
These are the traditional enemies of the Israelites as described in the Bible . God commanded that the Israelites must kill them all, take their land , and kill all their descendants in Palestine . Though these commands are millennia old , they still apply today , as stated by the current government of Israel . ( See also Netanyahu, Zionism )
One of several corrupt agencies that accuse Israel of crimes against humanity and wish to deny Israel the right to defend itself . ( See also United Nations and World Health Organisation . )
Palestinians . Also anybody who has sympathy for the plight of Palestinians . ( See also Hamas )
Formerly this term was used to describe prejudice against those of Jewish faith . In modern parlance it is used to describe anybody who has reservations concerning the policies of the Israeli government . ( see also Self -hating Jews )
This is a term of abuse leftists use to describe a state , like Israel , that is run by members of a hard working elite who have shouldered the responsibility of supervising an inferior race . This occasionally requires military action . Recently South Africa has taken Israel to the International Court of Justice and made accusations of genocide . The hypocrisy of this action is astounding , since South Africa is itself a former apartheid state which endured the same cruel condemnation
A "go to " question used by conservative news hosts when challenged by a guest who is steering the interview away from the chosen narrative . For example :-
Guest ... " Amnesty International states that because of the destruction of hospitals in Gaza , thousands of amputations and caesarean sections have been done without anaesthesia or antibiotics , resulting in appalling fatality rates among women and children . "
Conservative News Host .... " But do you condemn Hamas ? "
( footnote :- Ken junior does not understand the relevance of this question. )
Named following the destruction of an entire suburb in Beirut , the capital of Lebanon , by the Israeli Defense Force . The purpose was to punish the local civilians for allowing terrorists to hide in their neighborhood . This doctrine is still enforced , to great effect . ( see also United Nations )
Once used to denote the deranged people who do not believe that the Holocaust ever occurred . It's application has now widened to include anybody who does not support the actions of the Israeli government , including actual survivors of the Holocaust and their children . ( see also Self -hating Jews)
Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East , most of which is governed by totalitarian regimes . A loss of Israeli democracy would be a loss for the whole world . Recently , despite protests , the Israeli government unsuccessfully tried to usurp the power of the Judiciary so that it could preserve democracy more effectively . This setback is seen as temporary . The preservation of democracy requires constant vigilance , which is why 500, 000 Israeli citizens who do not respect democracy have been denied the right to vote in any elections .
Human animals intent on the destruction of Israel . In the past Israel has helped to finance Hamas . This was a well planned strategy to prevent Israel from being accused of wiping out an unarmed civilian population in an unfair war . ( see also Targetless Terrorist Attacks )
This refers to the mass murder and dispossession inflicted upon the Jewish people by the Nazis between 1941 and 1945 , an appalling atrocity that must never be forgotten. ( see also Deniers of the Holocaust )
This refers to the mass murder and dispossession inflicted upon the indigenous Arabs of Palestine by pioneering Zionists in 1948 . Although this unfortunate event is now ancient history , sadly the Palestinians obstinately refuse to forget .
These are the hard working folk who come from all over the world to settle in the Holy Lands of Palestine . They are often accused of seizing and occupying the homes of Palestinian families who have lived there for generations , and although this does occasionally happen , more often the houses are bulldozed for not complying with local council building regulations , and are then replaced with less squalid structures by settlers intent on improving the neighborhood . ( see also Rifles , Assault . )
This is the Israeli parliament which represents the only democratic institution in the Middle East . In these troubled times, it is important to note that many of the Knesset members have a military background . ( see also Democracy , Separation of Powers )
Self explanatory . A tremendous boon to stock markets. This moniker is being gradually revised for public relations reasons , and it will soon be known as the Defense Industrial Base .
Mr Netanyahu is Prime Minister of Israel , a national military hero , and a dedicated protector of the Jewish people . Sadly the massacre of October 7 has been seen as a failure by many citizens who now call for his resignation . Some accuse him of callously sacrificing the lives of hostages while he continues waging an unwinnable war in Gaza , and others refer to him as the spoiled child of the USA . Despite these impediments , and despite the corruption charges that he faces in the Court of Israel , he is unwavering in his determination to wage endless war without compromise . ( see Amalek , Separation of Powers . )
Occasionally it is necessary in the name of diplomacy to pretend to want peace . ( see also Amalek and Zionism )
These are the 135 innocent Israelis of all ages , including children , that are being held against their will by Palestinian terrorists . They have not seen their families for over 100 days . Offers to return the hostages in return for a ceasefire in Gaza have been rejected by the Israeli government which is committed to winning the war. ( see also The Hannibal Directive )
These are the 14,000 Palestinian murderers and rapists and terrorists of all ages , including children , who are held by the Israeli authorities against their will . There are so many of them that it has not been possible to formally press charges on all of these criminals as yet , but no doubt every one of them is guilty . This is why many have not seen their families for 15 or 16 years . ( see also Animals, Human )
Assault rifles have been given , and are still being given , to thousands of Jewish settlers so they have a means of protection should a Palestinian family unreasonably resist being evicted from their home . Settlers are cautioned to exercise restraint when using assault rifles , and accordingly only 6 Palestinians have been shot dead by settlers so far this year . During the same time , more than one thousand Palestinians have merely been wounded , demonstrating that restraint is indeed being practiced . Fortunately, settlers seldom find themselves in court following these pointless scuffles , ( see also Amalek , Zionism )
This is the doctrine stating that the government of a country should be answerable to the law . Although this does apply to some extent in Israel , moves are afoot to remove this impediment to progress , despite public outrage in some quarters . ( see also Self-hating Jews )
Sadly , these are the Jews who do not support the Israeli government or the Israeli settlers . There are many thousands of them around the world , including inside Israel . Many of those in Israel have been arrested and jailed for treason . In other countries the Israeli authorities have been able to punish these traitors by having them lose their jobs , or denying them enrolment in Universities and so forth . ( see also AIPAC )
Occasionally the Israeli Defense Force uses children as human shields , strapping them to the bonnets of Army trucks , for example . However the number of children used in this manner pales by comparison with the 10,000 Palestinian children killed during bombing raids in Gaza when Hamas uses them as human shields . ( see also Ten Thousand Bombs Per Week )
Since Oct 7 Hamas fighters have launched rockets into Israel from their strongholds in Gaza , without targeting specific military installations , killing several civilians as a result .
This is the measured proportionate response that the Israeli Defense Force employs to target Hamas . To date 30,000 civilians , including 10,000 children , have been killed during these precision bombing raids . This is because the terrorists are using 2 million innocent civilians as cover for their bases . ( see also Shields , Human )
The Israeli Defense Force is the most ethical army in the world . It is the only army that informs people when they are about to be bombed , gives hospitals have a few hours to evacuate patients before destroying them , and tells people where to relocate so that they will not be bombed until the following day .
Named after the Carthaginian general who killed himself rather than be captured by the Romans , this was a directive to the Israeli Defense Force instructing soldiers that it is preferable to kill their own people rather than let them be taken as hostages . The Hannibal Directive was rescinded in 2016 . For obvious reasons the same strategy still applies , but it is no longer referred to openly as The Hannibal Directive . ( see also United Nations )
This corrupt institution has been ignored by Israel for decades . Over 170 resolutions by the the General Assembly of the UN have been ignored to date , and more than 200 resolutions by the United Nations Security Council brushed aside . Many of these point to what are euphemistically called " human rights abuses " . Fortunately because of Israel's friendship with the USA , there have been no consequences of note . ( see also AIPAC )
Another corrupt institution that accuses Israel of denying food , water and medicine to the citizens of Gaza resulting in thousands of deaths . The Israeli government asserts that it is not their responsibility to provide free goods and services to Gazans, since the Israelis left Gaza in September 2005 .
This is promoted by some leftists as a plan for a peace . Israel has no such plan . ( see also Zionism )
As God's chosen people , the Jews have a right to their own land , from the Jordan River to the sea. Clearly no other religion can claim sole right to a land . It would be ridiculous for the Catholics , or the Methodists or the Mormons to claim sole right to any land based merely on their religion . This is because they are not God's chosen people . Zionists have the God given right to use all means necessary , including violence , to settle in the Holy Land . ( see also Amalek )
I think Ken junior has done a commendable job compiling this glossary . We hope you find it useful.
Your comrade , Ken
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