Reference :- The team at the Sky Reply has been unable to watch Sky News of late. We apologise for our prolonged absence .
Dear millions of regular readers ,
It has been many weeks since the Sky Reply team has taken to their Remingtons . It all started when Ken junior more or less implied that Sky News Australia is not covering the news of the world very thoroughly .
" I don't think that Sky News Australia is covering the news of the world very thoroughly " , Ken junior said .
Obviously I asked him to provide us with evidence for this cruel remark . He suggested that we watch a daily news show called " Democracy Now " hosted by a journalist called Amy Goodman . This we did , and it is hard to describe how shocked we were . But I will try .
Watching Sky News Australia is like being the patient of a witch doctor, trapped in a smoke filled hut surrounded by bones and lizard guts while a shaman daubed with ochre chants a frightening invocation to the spirit world . Watching Amy Goodman is like being taken to a state of the heart hospital where a Radiologist does a CT scan , and a Physician diagnoses acute appendicitis , and an Anaesthetist puts you to sleep , and a Surgeon removes your appendix , and antibiotics are prescribed .
It is now impossible for any of us to watch Sky News Australia ...... with (perhaps ) the exception of Piers Morgan , who appears to be transforming before our very eyes into an actual real journalist . Not that we are fans , but we do appreciate his frequent willingness to respectfully interview people with differing viewpoints . I hope he doesn't lose his job .
So here's the problem . If none of the Sky Reply team can stomach watching Sky News anymore , what do we do with The Sky Reply ? I asked the lads to tell me their thoughts on the subject .
Ken junior wants to run it as a dating site.
Gabbo wants to run some kind of indigenous manifesto .
And Monte wants to run a forum about motorcycle maintenance .
Personally , I think we should collaborate in the writing of a great Australian novel . I already have a title in mind .... " The Adventures of Harry and Jack ". Naturally it would be set here in " Kooralya " . After all , they say you should only write a novel using subjects you know well .
( It's a shame nobody has ever suggested that the Sky News reporters should only express opinions regarding subjects they know well . )
Anyway , I am open to suggestions .
Your comrade , Ken .
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