Saturday, June 24, 2023

Reference:- The Sky Reply needs some help .

 Reference:-  Replying to Sky News has become difficult . 

 Sky News no longer has a very large audience .  Ken junior reckons this is because they have nothing to say , and rarely cover any real news stories .  But there is little to be gained by stating the obvious , we must seek an explanation.  I said as much to Ken junior . 

"There is little to be gained by stating the obvious , we must seek an explanation ", I said . 

" The sudden dismissal of Tucker Carlson from Fox  has made the news anchors nervous .... they are too frightened to say much , lest they suffer the same fate ",    Ken junior said . 

" Chris Kenny has been pushed out of the spotlight because he supports  the Indigenous Voice to Parliament . " ,  Gabbo said . 

" The coalition is so incompetent and unpopular that supporting them on Sky News has become too much of an embarrassment . " , Monte said . 

" And Mr Murdoch's media empire has been sued to the back teeth for spreading harmful lies , with much more suing yet to come . " ,  Ken junior added . 

Thinking it over , Mr Murdoch has painted himself into a corner .  When he encourages his news anchors to spread lies , he finds himself  successfully sued for hundreds of millions of quid .  On the other hand , he has been sacking and pushing aside the ones who ( even if accidentally)  stumble across the truth and open their big mouths . 

The irony is that there is so much going on around the globe these days that journalists would be hard pressed to keep us informed .   It should be a busy time at Sky News ,  and therefore  a busy time at the Sky Reply .  But no .  Even Peta Credlin is failing us .  Certainly she is as angry and bitter as ever , but as Ken junior  says , " What is it that she is angry and bitter about ?  " .  

" What is the difference between Peta Credlin and Mr Ed  ? " , Ken junior said . 

" Tell me ." , I said 

" Well , one has a long bony face and makes alarming lip movements while pretending to talk like a human being , and the other is a talking horse . " , Ken junior said . 

Ken junior certainly shocked me with that remark . 

I thought he was too young to know about  Mr Ed .  

Your comrade , Ken



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