Reference :- Peta Credlin disapproves of weaponised language , as we all do .
Dear Peta ,
That was a great show last night . It is certainly time that somebody spoke up about "weaponised language " , which has greatly diminished the standard of public discourse . The left have sunk to new lows , but thankfully the Sky News team have retained their high principles.
These are difficult times for conservatives , but we must never lower our standards and resort to the pathetic name calling tactics that the virtue signalling snowflakes of the woke brigade use as their tools of trade .
Name calling is the last weapon of the defeated , which is something I always bear in mind when I am insulted by one of the latte sipping dole bludging marxist feminazis down at the coffee shop . Those witches .
Sadly , there are too many tree hugging bolshevics ensconced in the ivory towers of wackademia these days . And our kids are exposed to these nerds, and the climate crazies of the greenie left , on a daily basis .
Little wonder that we have spawned a generation of demented social justice warriors and leftards .
Anyway Peta , like you and the rest of your team , I will continue to preserve the dignity of our language , and the standard of our debate . It's an important job we have , since the pencil pushers in the Canberra bubble won't address the issue .
Keep up the good work .
Your comrade , Ken .
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