Friday, November 25, 2022

Reference :- Tomorrow is election day in Victoria .

 Reference:-  Although we are not citizens of Victoria, here at The Sky Reply we will be keenly watching the results of tomorrow's election . 

Dear Sky News team , 

                                        You have worked yourselves ragged over the last few weeks , trying to overthrow the current Labor government in Victoria .  And good on you . What is the point of a news service if it can't overthrow a government ?   Ken junior has accused you of spreading anti- labor " propaganda" . But so what ?  He said that as though he believes propaganda to be a bad thing .  I am sure you have read the tome by the chap most praised for the invention of propaganda , Edward Bernays .  ( His book bears the catchy title " Propaganda " . ) 

Mr Bernays  was at great pains to explain that propaganda can be a force for good when used correctly . Lies and manipulation , or distortions and omissions are not themselves unethical as long as they are used to achieve a worthwhile and ethical goal .  I explained this to Ken junior , but the lad is too naive to understand . 

Anyway , I do like the way Rowan Dean has been giving the false impression that Daniel Andrews hates the Jews .   This is always a severe blow to a chap's credibility , a blow best delivered at the eleventh hour so nobody has time to check the facts . It worked very well when Sky News wanted to discredit that pommie chap who was running for Prime Minister in Old Blighty , Mr Jeremy Corbyn . 

Of course it turned out that the chief Rabbi ( who is Jewish himself )  over there thought Mr Corbyn was a thorough gentleman , but nobody heard about it until after the election . And the point is , that one minor fib helped get Mr Johnson into Number 10 ( briefly ) , so who could object ?   And to those who do feel a tad miffed , I would say what I said to Ken junior . 

" Once the election was over Mr Corbyn was cleared of antisemitism , so no harm done ." , I said . 

 Anyway , regarding Mr Andrews , personally I don't know enough to have an opinion one way or another , but if you don't succeed in getting him thrown out of office it will be a sad day for Sky News , and an even sadder day for democracy .  

After your failures supporting  Mr Trump , Mr Morrison , and Mr Johnson you are overdue for a win . It's about time a political leader was chosen by the likes of Sky News , and not the great unwashed who are so easily manipulated . 

Your comrade , Ken


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