Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Reference :- The Sky Reply offers some feedback to the Sky News team .

Reference :-  Feedback plays a vital role in the maintenance of broadcasting standards .

Dear Sky News team , 

                                       It has been some time now since the Coalition members were banished from the media spotlight after enjoying a decade of bathing in it daily .  Although that is very sad , and your anguish is still palpable , you must not worsen the situation by failing to notice the dramatic change in public discourse that has resulted . 

In times past your own abilities to articulate ,  reason  , reference actual facts and develop an argument  were in most cases only required to match the abilities displayed by the Coalition .  That was not very challenging , I am sure you will agree .   

The trouble is , we now have people in government who are capable of developing logical arguments devoid of jingoism and rigid ideology .   The bar has been raised boys and girls , and you must respond accordingly or you will increasingly look like a pack of pantomime clowns and lose much of your audience .     Of course , some  folk do prefer their news to be presented by a pack of pantomime clowns , and that is their privilege .  But there are not enough of such folk to keep you positioned in the ratings, and that will impact your bottom line . 

Ken junior wanted to give you feedback outlining the shortcomings of each member of your team in detail , but I feel that such feedback would be premature .  As experienced commentators I am sure you have the ability to judge your performance , honestly face your shortcomings , and implement change .  A good start would be to watch the National Press Club meetings and listen to how the quality of the discourse has improved of late . 

Anyway , we look forward to viewing Peta Credlin's unbiased documentary about the Premier of Victoria on the tele this evening .   Ken junior reckons there will be much said about a certain slug found on the floor of a commercial kitchen .   He reckons the documentary should be promoted like a boxing match  as  " The Credlin vs Andrews Slugfest ". 

I have no idea what he is on about , but I guess that does put him in your pantomime clown loving demographic . 

Your comrade, Ken .   


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