Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Reference:- Amazon founder , Jeff Bezos , claims that he wants to give away his billions .

 Reference:-   Jeff Bezos claims that it is a challenge for him to develop a strategy for giving away his fortune . 

Dear Mr Bezos , 

                               Indeed , how does one offload a hundred billion quid or more ?  That old novel , " Brewster's Millions " reveals how hard it can be to divest oneself of large quantities of mazuma , but I am sad to say , it offers no useful advice on the subject . 

Ken junior on the other hand , has a few suggestions that might be worthy of your consideration .  I have listed these below , realising that you may not wish to run with all of them , for whatever reason . 

1.  Pay a living wage to those among your workers who rely on food stamps to survive .

2. Pay 2 weeks sick leave to those among your workers who may come down with covid or contract another illness . 

3. Upgrade your workplace so that you no longer have a workplace injury rate 2.5 times the national average . 

4. Relax your workplace quotas so that none of your employees need to urinate in an empty coke can or defecate in a plastic bag to avoid being penalised for visiting the toilet . 

5. Reimburse the taxpayers who subsidised you to the tune of billions when you opened new warehouses . 

6. Refund the customers who paid 1000% over the odds  for products like gloves during the height of the covid pandemic . 


Admittedly this is only a start , and would only diminish your wealth by less than one percent . But you have to start somewhere . 

If you find it difficult to make such big changes all at once , perhaps you could buy your employees bottles to urinate in and plastic bags to defecate in so they don't have to buy their own ?  Or maybe offer to sell  them urine bottles and feces bags at a discounted rate ?  These actions have the advantage that they don't look like a pathetic attempt at virtue signalling , something you must avoid at all costs .

It is a big job you have ahead of you , so don't procrastinate . 

Finally , as we all know , nobody with half a brain does anything gratis  . As payment for his advice , Ken junior is happy to accept the equivalent of one second's worth of your yearly income , which is but a measly 2500 quid or so .  That strikes me as quite a bargain . 

Your comrade , Ken . 

P.S.    Don't forget to account for the exchange rate when making payment .

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