Monday, August 15, 2022

Reference :- Apparently former PM, Mr Scott Morrison , was more than just leader of his party .

Reference :-  While in the top job ,  Mr Morrison secretly made himself the Minister of three portfolios . 

Dear Mr Morrison , Sir , 

                                          The media in this country are a disgrace . Despite all the crises afflicting the nation since you left office , they have chosen to focus on something trivial in your leadership style which has recently come to light .   I refer , of course , to the fact that you appointed yourself minister of three portfolios .  The media call these " secret appointments " , but just because you told nobody about them doesn't mean you were being secretive .   The top job is demanding , and there is little time to be bothered with unnecessary rigmarole.    Especially if you are taking on three additional jobs at the same time .  It amazes me that you had the energy to cope with four jobs, I guess some of them could be done over the phone if you were  on a beach in Hawaii  (also  supposedly secretly ... for heaven's sake . ) or whatever .  

Anyway Mr Morrison , it might be a good idea to front foot it and explain the situation publicly .   You say that you don't do daily politics anymore , and fair enough .  When a chap loses half his salary you can't expect him to do his job anymore .  Being the member for Cook is not a well paid job , and not worth your effort .  Besides , you have a mortgage and school fees to worry about so why would you turn up at work every day ?

Nonetheless , a brief appearance on the tele to explain yourself is the right thing to do . It will look better on your resume when you jump ship and abandon the ungrateful Tories and those who elected you .  Especially if you are thinking of a job in church circles.    Honorable behaviour is a prerequisite for highly paid jobs in tax free cults . 

 Be sure to remind everybody that it was only 3 out of 19 minister roles that you awarded yourself .   That casts  the whole matter in a better light  . 

Your comrade , Ken

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