Reference:- Former ABC broadcaster , John Faine , declined an invitation to be interviewed in a documentary about the ABC that Chris Kenny is producing . Chris is not pleased , and his own words feature in parenthesis in the following letter we sent as encouragement .
Dear Chris ,
As you assert , John Faine declining an invitation to appear in your fair minded and balanced documentary about the " low brow , leftist and divisive ABC " is pretty gutless. You would think a chap with a law degree would have more confidence in his ability to defend the " demonstrably wrong " ideology of the ABC , and it's outrageous " green rants ".
Mr Faine claims that your position regarding the "taxpayer funded ABC " is well established and unlikely to change . I thought lawyers were supposed to assume a chap's innocence until proven guilty ?
Furthermore , despite the fact that you will likely win a Walkley Award for your balanced analysis of the " insular and inbred ABC " , the selfish journalists at the " taxpayer funded public broadcaster " have no interest in helping you lift your position in the ratings at their expense .
And yet you have yourself been brave enough to "enter the lion's den " of the ABC to bestow upon them " some common sense " on many occasions .
Anyway Chris , you have preserved your dignity with your ability to " respectfully argue " your case , and don't let anybody tell you otherwise .
Meanwhile , if you are short of folk to interview , give us a call . Although the ABC mob reckon we shouldn't touch your documentary with a ten foot poll , here at the Sky Reply we boast an 11 foot poll , so to speak , and would be happy to give your innocuous documentary a sound poke .
Your comrade, Ken .
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