Sunday, May 15, 2022

Reference:- Marketing genius , Scott Morrison , showed us his best form .

Reference :-  Mr Morrison has shown us how to buy votes from people using their own money .  

Dear Mr Morrison , sir , 

   I have to hand it to you , that plan to buy votes  from young folk using their own money is sheer genius . I don't know how you do it . With the punters deserting the Tories in droves , and the pre-polling booths already disturbingly open , there is a pressing urgency to buy votes .  Those 250 quid handouts are long forgotten , and if you shook any more spondula from the deficit budget piggy bank it would not be a good look. 

 But getting those whingers who wasted their money on smashed avocado breakfasts  ( not a brand of cereal I have even heard of )  to use their own superannuation as a home loan deposit is a brilliant idea . 

Of course , we all know that house prices will be pushed up , since there is a shortage of supply which is unlikely to be remedied for some time .  But those superannuation funds will end up in the hands of the banks and their shareholders , where we can confidently expect they will be well managed .   Sure , the housing market is already higher than a cat's back , and when the crash comes some folk might regret losing their superannuation . But that is down the track , and somebody else will have to say " sorry " . 

The banks never stop declaring record profits , and if your policy is enacted that is sure to continue .  I only wish I could afford to buy a few bank shares , but my mortgage is killing me .  

Gabbo , who tends to overreact ,  reckons he has never seen a more blatant example of a policy that transfers wealth from the poor to the rich . 

 " Look Gabbo ,  superannuation is your money , you should be able to access it ." , I said 

" It won't be your money if you give to the banks for an overpriced depreciating asset . " , Gabbo said .  

"  That may be true , but at least it won't be wasted on smashed avocado breakfast cereal . ",  I said  

" No , it will be spent on champagne breakfasts in the Cayman Islands . " , Gabbo said  

  What the hell does that mean ? 

Your comrade , Ken



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