Saturday, April 9, 2022

Reference :- Fair minded Sky anchor , Peta Credlin, uncovered yet another waste of taxpayer's funds .

 Reference :-   According to Peta Credlin , the Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience is a waste of taxpayers funds . Just like the ABC .

Dear Peta , 

                      Despite the looming election and , you have bravely pointed a finger at waste within a government funded institution .  Of course , as usual , it is not the government's fault , since no doubt the Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience is run by a bunch of woke green Marxists . 

We were quite shocked to discover that the said institute is " spending ALL their time and money on worrying about gender theory " .  What an appalling waste . 

Of course , that leaves me wondering who made,  and paid for , the twenty different pamphlets they have published with guidelines on how to respond to various disasters . Not to mention the on line resources . And the seminars . Also the webinars

If they have spent ALL their money worrying about radical gender theory , who has ponied up for the dodgers and the lectures ? 

Ken junior reckons he can worry for days about radical gender theory without spending a cent , which also gives me pause . 

This needs looking into further Peta , it has the smell of corruption if you ask me . 

Your comrade , Ken 

PS .    Can you direct us to the location of the radical gender theory guff on the disaster resilience website ?    I have spent a couple of hours trying to find it in among all the info advising folk regarding how to avoid being incinerated in a bush fire  ,  or how to stay afloat during a once in a thousand years flood , but have found zilch thus far . 


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