Sunday, March 20, 2022

Reference :- Mr Morrison tells us we are sending coal to help Ukraine .

Reference :-  It seems that Mr Morrison believes fossil fuels are the answer to most problems  . 

Dear Mr Morrison , sir , 

                                         I see you are sending coal to Ukraine to help the war effort .   And a whopping 70,000 tons of it .  Ken junior , always the pessimist , tells me that 70,000 tons is only about  0.1% of their annual requirement , but I told him that many power stations may now be out of action due to the hostilities , so the demand for coal  is likely to have fallen considerably .  And come to think of it , many residences are now uninhabitable , which will also lower the demand for electricity . 

Remember  the " gas fired economic recovery " that you spruiked as a response to the recession caused by the dread Covid germ ?   That was a classic example of how fossil fuels can help to save a nation.    Just a few billion quid of taxpayers funds in subsidies , and 18,000 out of 20, 000 jobs in the industry were rescued ... at least for now .   Ken junior , ( AKA Mr Pessimism ) , tells me that 18,000 jobs out of a workforce of 13 million is also but a small fraction of a percent . But as they say , watch the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves . 

Anyway Mr Morrison , what happened to the lump of coal you took to Parliament to frighten the green left ?    I hope you haven't thrown it in with the 70,000 ton gift to Ukraine.  That particular lump of anthracite is now a national icon , and should be in a museum .  God knows what it is worth . 

When it is installed on a plinth in the national Museum , it will need an appropriate caption, so allow us to offer this for your consideration . 

"    Scott Morrison  (Prime Minister  2018- 2022 )  couldn't hold a hose , and he couldn't hold an independent inquiry into government corruption , but he did become famous worldwide for holding this lump of coal . " 

It has a certain je ne c'est pas , don't you think ? 

Your comrade , Ken 



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