Reference :- The Sky Reply has placed the following advertisement on the interweb .
" A reward is being offered for the recovery of a lost Emergency Response Fund . It was first seen in 2019 when Mr Morrison and the coalition described it in glowing terms as a 4 billion quid stockpile of cash which would be used to help communities recover from natural disasters . The last reported sighting was earlier this year by a Wall St banker , who described it as in good health and said it was now worth 4.8 billion quid .
A spokesman for Goldman Sachs said he had no idea of it's current whereabouts but had no concerns for it's safety .
Anybody finding the lost fund is asked to return it at their earliest convenience , since almost everybody in Australia is now suffering from a disaster of one kind or another . Especially Mr Morrison .
To the person who finds the fund , the Sky Reply is offering a free one year subscription . Sky contributor , Monte , has also offered a free tour of the flood devastated areas on the back of his Yamaha trail bike . Considering the price of petrol these days , and the number of floods , that reward alone is valued at about 25 grand . "
We are confident that somebody will come forth before long . After all , 4.8 billion quid can hardly disappear when it is in the safe company of big business , can it ?
Your comrade , Ken
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