Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Reference :- Break out the popcorn , Rowan Dean is back on Sky News !

Reference :-   Young Rowan Dean has returned to the tele screen in all his former glory .  

Dear Rowan , 

                         I always look forward to seeing your back , I mean you're back .  And what a delight to see you presenting a cutting edge report so soon after clocking back in at Sky News .  I refer , of course , to your in -depth analysis  of the shoes being worn by those chocolate M and M characters .  Something like that is so often overlooked by the great unwashed ( or poor chumps as Andy Bolt warmly refers to them)  . 

As you indicated , the sociopolitical implications of changing an M and M character's shoes are clearly far reaching , and without your diligence we would never be informed of such subversive activity . 

The laughably leftist media are filling our heads with rubbish about the threat of war in Ukraine ,  which the astute among us realize is merely a ploy to distract us from the M and M situation .  The woke folk must be rubbing their hands with glee . 

Anyway Rowan , keep up the good work .  We do miss your weather boy reports , but the clever way you slipped in a comment about  fake climate change while interviewing somebody about aged pensions tells me that we can expect another  Ice Age show before long . 

You don't need me to tell you this , but now old Jonesie is a spent force there is a vacant place at the top of the Sky News hierarchy .  Chris Kenny is so bitter these days he has lost all credibility . Rita Panahi laughs at tragedy so often she makes the joker from Batman look empathic  .  And as yet there is no sign of Peta Credlin's return .  Some say she is pining for her lost comrade ,  Jonesie .  Others unkindly whisper the  rumour that her botox injections went awry , leaving her with the countenance of a cynical witch .  I couldn't imagine that , could you ? 

The point is , Rowan , here is your big chance .  Now you have exposed the M and M scandal , let me share this .   Friends in the industry , whose identities must remain undisclosed  , inform  me that the Freddo Frog people are considering releasing another chocolate frog called Frida Frog to show that they support gender equality .  The only fly in the frog ointment is getting permission to give Frida Frog her trademark mono-brow , which may have copyright implications . 

Keep an eye on the situation Rowan , I reckon the Cadbury company could seize the opportunity to release Frida Frog on an unsuspecting public the moment catastrophic war erupts in Ukraine . 

There is no need to thank me for the tip -off , we are watching you vigilantly and look forward to assisting you in every way through 2022 . 

 Your comrade , Ken 

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