Saturday, September 18, 2021

Reference :- Prime Minister ( for now ) Scott Morrison has forged a deal with the USA for the purchase of nuclear submarines .

Reference : -   Forging the deal for the purchase of nuclear submarines took a great deal of skill . 

Dear Mr Morrison , Sir , 

                                        All I can say is well done !  Few people have the experience to arrange such a deal .  And by experience , I mean marketing experience . 

 Anybody could promise to give the USA countless billions of quid for submarines of nebulous specification with a vague delivery date . 

Anybody could agree to tie our nation to the USA militarily for decades to come while simultaneously offending our most important trading partners.  

Anybody could turn a blind eye to the hundreds of millions of quid wasted on the F35 Strike Fighter deal and trust that nuclear submarines are easier to build and less likely to be plagued by faults . 

But it takes a skilled marketer to convince the Australian public that you have done the right thing . 

And since it will be decades before the results of your negotiations bear fruit  , you can bask in their glory for the rest of your career without being confronted with the inevitable cost blow outs , delays and technical snafus . 

Ken junior reckons there might be a lot of those . 

" Lockheed Martin sold us Strike Fighters with hundred of serious faults afflicting every aircraft . Imagine how many unintended flaws might compromise a nuclear sub , especially when the company building it has shareholders profits as a priority ? " , Ken junior said .

But that is not a concern for you now .  The next election is .  Besides , should problems present along the way , and you are still at the nation's helm , you can simply refuse to discuss the matter .  

For example :- 

 "  I won't be discussing defense contracts  in this interview,  since there a security implications . " 

Finally I admire the way you reassured everybody that the nuclear subs won't be carrying atomic weaponry .  Of course the American media are already saying that by the time the subs are up and running they will have nukes on board .   But what would they know ? 

Your comrade , Ken . 


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