Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Reference :- One of the fossil fuel experts at Sky News , Alan Jones , told us renewable energy will send us broke .

 Reference :-   Any country with plenty of fossil fuels should not waste money on renewable energy , or so Jonesie claims . 

I do like a chap who sticks to his guns , Jonesie .  Especially against overwhelming odds .  A mate of mine ( Wally ) has been working in the middle east where he has found himself a good job maintaining Ferraris for Arab Sheiks . Personally I don't think he knows a thing about engines , but I suppose they have found him a job emptying the ashrays and polishing the hubcaps or something . 

Anyway Jonesie , the other day he told me that these oil sheiks are putting solar panels up everywhere . Even to air condition workshops .  Wally says they are expecting to spend a trillion quid putting up solar panels over the next few years .   

 But the thing is , those swarthy dudes are floating on an ocean of top quality crude oil that they can plunder  gratis .  Why would they spend money that could go towards more Ferraris on overpriced solar energy ? 

 Ken junior is being a smart arse because I can't answer that particular question .  If you pen  me a quick explanation , Jonesie , I would be forever in your debt .  As a bloke ages it becomes more difficult to cling to one's credibilty in the eyes of the young ... especially those who are well informed . 

Your comrade , Ken . 


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