Reference :- Now that the Murdoch media are dusting our Prime Minister , the Sky News hosts seem confused.
Dear lost souls at Sky News ,
Now that the Prime Minister is so on the nose that even Mr Murdoch can't stomach him , you must redefine your goals . Sadly you can't promote anybody else in the Coalition . It is always easy to dump a Prime Minister if there is another more suitable candidate gloating on the front bench . Unfortunately , with all the accusations of criminal behavior and the subsequent games of parliamentary musical chairs such a candidate does not exist .
However you can't just continue to ignore Mr Morrison . Mr Morrison is your creation , and now he is disgraced you must accept some responsibility for the situation , and not repeat the mistakes of Victor Frankenstein . Have you heard Mr Morrison lately ? The Coalition members have enjoyed the support of Sky News for so long that they have never learnt how to survive without it . Labor and the Greens had to develop such skills long ago , but poor Mr Morrison can't cope .
Sky News has created a spoiled child , and now he is running amok trashing the joint . You can't just turn your backs like bad parents and pretend nothing is happening . My advice is that you give him a stern talking to , and maybe a clip under the earhole . You must still dump him , of course , but at least you can limit the damage he does to the Coalition before he vanishes into the obscurity he so richly deserves.
Your comrade , Ken .
Disclaimer :- In these days of political correctness we feel the need to point out that the expression " clip under the earhole " was meant metaphorically . We used it as a metaphor for " boot up the backside ".
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