Saturday, October 3, 2020

References :- Reference :- Sky News' puppet , Chris Kenny , continued his war against the ABC .

Reference :-   Young Chris Kenny is particularly angered by what he considers to be the outrageous salary of Media Watch host , Paul Barry .  He did go on about it quite a bit . 

That sure is a lot of money , I mean taxpayers money , Chris .   Indeed , I think you mentioned a salary of 200, 000 quid once or thrice , or more . And as you point out , that is taxpayers money too .  In fact it is 200,00 quid each year  .  Of our taxpayers money .  And where is it going ?   Straight into the pocket of Paul Murray , that's where .   And as you reminded us  , that is 200,000 quid every year ... and the money comes straight out of our taxes .   

It sure is a disgraceful , receiving that much baksheesh to run a show which is so obviously partisan .  I assume your stipend is somewhat less than  Paul's  200, 000  quid , and you have always remained meticulously impartial in all your presentations .  Furthermore , apart from not being paid 200,000 quid  ( and that's every year )   your remuneration is not at the expense of taxpayers ,  I mean hardworking taxpayers who never watch the ABC anyway . 

When you pay a chap such an outrageous honorarium  (   I refer to the figure of 200,000 each and every annum ) you can be sure he is only doing his job for the filthy lucre .   And where does that leave room for professional journalism Chris ?  

Anyway Chris , Ken junior tells me that our government has slipped 40 million quid into the pockets  of Fox Sport recently .   That may be two hundred times Paul Murray's salary ( which is 200,000 per annum if you recall ) , but the country needs sport as a distraction . The last thing we need is people watching ABC programs that stimulate critical thinking . 

Your comrade , Ken 



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