Friday, September 25, 2020

Reference :- Bellicose Sky News anchor Chris Kenny isn't talking about the California fires .

Reference:-   After laughing at those who consider that the fire seasons  in California are getting worse , Chris Kenny has avoided the subject . 

A young chap like you , Chris , is often tempted to draw conclusions too quickly .  In this instance you certainly did start your run too early with regard to the fires in California .   Obviously it was fun to humiliate those who consider the fires to be " unprecedented , but your trademark sneering criticism was a tad premature .   The current " August Complex " fire is now the largest since records began , in 1932 .   And by quite a margin . That fact makes it very difficult for you to report on the fires again  without looking like a total dolt .  And the fires are such a crowd pleaser , what with the thousands of razed buildings and the millions of acres reduced to ash , and the smoke blanketing the hemisphere . 

Anyway Chris , there is a lesson in this to be sure . Never count your eggs before they have hatched . Although Monte told me that regardless of the fact that they don't always hatch , it is easier to count eggs than it is to count young chickens chaotically running about the coop.   That may be the case , but to me it only reveals a willingness to tolerate inaccuracy out of sheer laziness . 

One last thing , Chris .   Did you see the last Sky Reply ?   I reckon you may have used our new  " Do It Yourself Sky News Kit " to inspire your latest attack on the ABC for wasting taxpayers money .  

 It warms our hearts to think that we have made a contribution to your sophisticated style . 

Your comrade , Ken .  

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