Saturday, August 29, 2020

Reference :- The Sky Reply has returned , with even greater haste than the recent return of Frankenjonesie .

Reference : -  Upon their return to the cutting edge of Australian journalism  ,  The Sky Reply team was shocked to see how far Sky News had sunk beneath towering waves of journalistic mediocrity . 

 Holy cow !    What has happened at Sky News ?   Not one of the anchors at Sky News has made an interesting , insightful or relevant comment in days .  One could say the same of the Prime Minister (currently incognito)  Mr Scott Morrison . But it isn't entirely Mr Morrison's  responsibility to anger the great unwashed,  and distract them while the elite rob them blind and stuff the planet . That is also what Sky News is supposed to be doing ....and ladies and gentleman of Sky News , you are failing in your duty. . 

Lest The Sky Reply team find themselves with nothing worthy of a reply , we offer herewith a suggestion for an editorial which might bear fruit .   

You may have noticed that another black man has been shot by one of those "protect and serve " police officers in Kenosha , Wisconsin . This has , yet again , incited unreasonable protests .   The video footage  looks bad , but for heavens sake don't just ignore the whole incident and say nothing .  Fox presenter , young Tucker Carlson , has stepped up to the plate and exposed the shocking bias in the reporting by leftist media outlets .  Lamentably Sky News is  behaving as though nobody would  touch this story with a ten foot barge pole , so allow us to offer you an eleven foot one . 

  Straight away you need to front foot it , and point out that even a highly trained professional copper sometimes needs to fire a warning shot to avert a possible tragedy  . In this instance seven warning shots to the spine at point blank range probably prevented the serious escalation of a dangerous situation .   This measured response meant that  nobody was actually killed . Admittedly the victim ,  Mr Blake , is now a paraplegic , but did he become a paraplegic " because " he had 7 bullets in his back , or did he become a paraplegic "with " seven bullets in his back ?    I guess we will never know , after all , in the USA there are over 5 million people with spinal paralysis and the overwhelming majority have never been shot by the cops . 

This could be a good story for Andy Bolt to run with , as he tirelessly wages war against the left .... I mean racism .  

Stay calm  , more help will follow .         Your comrade , Ken 



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