Saturday, August 1, 2020

Reference :- Eloquent Sky anchor Alan Jones has gone a bit quiet on a couple of his favourite topics .

Reference :-    Has Alan Jones found anything of interest to say lately ?   Not that we have heard .

Jonesie old chap , what is the matter ?     You have stopped telling us that the coronavirus pandemic is ....what was it again ?  fake news ? a leftist plot ?  ,  public hysteria  ? or government facism ?    Well anyway , they are all the same I guess .  And what about global warming ?    You have been ignoring that of late too.   Ken junior reckons it's because there have been thousands of new cases of infection  in Victoria since your last rant , and if you prefer to avert your gaze from that mess , at the other side of the globe the bloody arctic is on fire again , pouring more soot into the breeze than has ever been measured before .   I always look to you to set the record straight , because you rely on the facts and eschew  the offensive and belligerent style of delivery that we see far too often on the other channels .

 Anyway , though  we do appreciate your insights into horse racing , the footy and toll roads ,  (and obviously the skilled diplomacy of your warmongering with China ), please remember to keep us armed with the facts regarding the  harmless annual flu season and the coming ice age .  It seems like every time  a few dozen aged care facilities in Victoria get clapped up with lethal contagion , and a few thousand square miles of the arctic are consumed by an uncontrollable conflagration the great unwashed become unduly alarmed .   

It is a hard task you have shouldered Jonesie , but please don't let us down .  The Sky Reply depends on you .            

  Your comrade , Ken .

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