Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Reference :- The brains of Sky News , Alan Jones , explained why we have had dreadful bushfires .

Reference :-   Alan Jones blamed the Greens for the terrible bushfires .

 Thanks Jonesie , it's all clear to us now .  The worst bushfires we have ever experienced were caused by the policies of Green politicians  who have insidiously infiltrated all levels of government .  They should be paraded through the streets and publicly shamed . And that wouldn't be hard , since you could fit the lot of them in the back of my Kingswood ute . 

As you point out , it's at the local level that they do the most damage .  You are a fan of statistics , and always explain the numbers to us .  So could you tell Ken junior why NSW had such terrible fires when less than 4% of local councils have a Green Mayor ?   You will know.

 Your reports are always gold to us Jonesie , compared with those of young  Andy Bolt which are more of a "Black and Gold"  standard , if you get my drift .   Andy always bleats on about bushfires being the same as they ever were , as does Rowan Dean .  ( Running with the previous analogy ,  Rowan  is more of a  " marked down for quick sale " journalist  according to Ken junior ) 

 But we are with you on this one Jonesie , being in the bush ourselves we have seen the fires first hand, and they were terrible .

Anyway , as we approach our own fire season with trepidation , have you seen the fires currently raging upstairs in the more Northern of our Hemispheres ?   They are certainly impressive,  at least in the sense of vast and uncontrollable devastation .

Ken junior reckons that Russia must have a very influential Greens party to cause such conflagrations .  Much of the Arctic is burning thanks to the policies of Russian Greens .  But also ,  of course , disenchanted communist arsonists ,  like ours , who drive hundreds of miles into the Tundra with a box of matches to make mischief .

You would think that Mr Putin would do something to prevent Socialists from ruining  his country , but perhaps he can't provide the kind of strong leadership that we enjoy here with Mr Morrison . 

 Your comrade , Ken  

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