Sunday, May 17, 2020

Reference:- Peta Credlin interviewed hard working Energy Minister and spokesperson for ordinary folk, Angus Taylor .

Reference :-    The reasons for the high cost of electricity in Australia are exposed , I mean concealed ,  during Peta Credlin's gripping interview with Angus Taylor .

 Good on you Peta , for giving young Angus a go on the television .   It must have been a nice change for him to be interviewed by a fellow idealogue  .  He looked tired , probably from all those interviews with the police, and accusations of lying , errrr.... obfuscating ,  about phoney documents .
Thankfully he is as rich as Midas , and can let his lawyers do most of the work , but you can see it troubles him .

 Anyway , blaming renewables for the high cost of our electrons is still usefully distracting the average punter from the real causes .  But not for much longer , Peta , I fear .   Since power production was largely privatised , the cost to the consumer has been ballooning out of control .    A quarter of the average power bill now ends up in the pockets of shareholders .  . And the average family is subsidising big business by paying twice as much as companies do for the same product .  But then again , ordinary consumers at least get to watch all the flash advertising as power companies compete against each other on the great footy field of free market capitalism .  And they can also enjoy a few phone calls each week from the 5000 or so sales folk their marketing departments employ .  And read lots of expensive colourful dodgers in the mail with payment plans that are quaintly unintelligible  .   

I make sure I enjoy all that colourful display to the max , because it adds another 20% to my power bill , and I want to get my money's worth .    However Peta  , I fear people may be sussing out the ripoff , and where will that leave shareholders ?    It might soon be time to sell off shares .  But it was a good scam while it lasted .
Maybe once the flesh has been gnawed from it's bones , the government will buy back in and restore efficiency to the industry .   

Pass on my regards to Angus and wish him well .  I hope he sorts out the travel claims scandal soon , so he can devote more time to his other legal problems. 

Your comrade , Ken     

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